Monday, January 17, 2011

The One With The Intentions

      Okay, it is 2011 now and one of the main resolutions people have is to loose weight and eat healthier. One of the easiest ways to accomplish these goals is what people call "Meatless Mondays". There are so many long term benefits to meatless mondays. You can reduce the potential for cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and even curb obesity simply by cutting out meat once a week (and these are just your personal health benefits). There are also great environmental benefits to eating less meat; the obvious benefits being: reduction of fossil fuel dependence and water use. I could go into detail here with stats and facts but one, I actually want people to read this, and two, I am lazy and do not feel like typing that much. So here is a handy hyper link that explains the topic:

    So my wife and I have been vegetarians for the better part of 18 months (gasp!). While I do admit we both dabble in seafood from time to time, and I have on occasion, had to test a meat product (I am chef and do have to taste test say a brisket every now and then to see if it is cooked properly) we are overall vegetarian.  Since we have both went down this path we have discovered many changes in our day to day activities that we believe to be a direct result of our cutback in meat consumption; better night sleeps occurred almost instantly, resulting in feeling rested (less hits on the snooze button), having more energy, and consuming less caffeine. One of the best results: it forced me to take a step back and be creative, so we could still enjoy our favorite comfort foods, but now with a vegetarian twist to them. In many cases (much to our surprise) we found that we couldn't tell the difference between meat and meatless and often times the vegetarian versions tasted better!

   This brings me to my intentions. I genuinely believe that going meatless for just one day a week can improve and elongate your life. Do I think vegetarianism is for everyone...No, and by no means will I force my opinions about this topic or any topic on you (I am not FOX News). Instead I simply wish to encourage you to try this approach and if you like it, maybe expand to a second day. What I intend to do is this: provide you with easy recipes of some of my favorite comfort foods, provide you a good laugh every now and then, and hopefully you will enjoy reading this blog and incorporating these recipes into your weekly meals. Mario Batali embraces meatless mondays and that man owns a high end Italian butcher shop in Seattle; lets face it vegetables are the new steak in 2011. Good luck cooking and enjoy.

PS - In honor of my wife/best friend/sous chef/ most gracious test subject ever, each post will be titled like a Friends episode.


  1. Okay, Doug....bring on the recipes!

  2. I'm in for Meatless Mondays (or Tuesdays....). Looking forward to the recipes!

  3. Alright Doug!! Loving the blog. Great recipes and fantastic commentary. Proud of you! Can't wait to read (and eat) more.

  4. My best friend read The China Study and convinced me to consume less meat. I'm excited to try your broccoli pie. Please post more often! :)
